Despite the tragedy that it is, the situation at Fukushima Daiichi in Japan will (or at least should) make future nuclear reactors safer -if not more expensive- and the designs of more modern reactors (remember those reactors were built over 40 years ago) already take what has happened there into account and their cooling systems don't require outside power.
If anything, this strengthens the case for new build (out of the reach of Tsunamis!), rather than life extension of the current reactors, as renewables are not sufficiently advanced and cannot adequately replace our power supply on their own [after the Saudis cut off our oil supply when we tell them not to occupy Bahrain!], and the older nuclear reactors clearly need replacing.
1 comment:,1518,750763,00.html
Needless to say, I disagree with him, but it's always good to have a few opposing points of view to argue with, and anyone that knows me knows that I do love a good argument!
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